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Onaj zbog kog vera u šestu titulu svetskog prvaka postoji: Vinisijus u 90+9 razgoreo Braziliju



pre 4 dana

E ako je on glavna uzdanica baš će da ga osvoje, tip igrača koji će da se rasplače u 10' ukoliko čuje uvredu s tribina i ceo meč će samo o tome da razmišlja i žali se sudiji i plače


pre 4 dana

Po imenima imaju duplo jacu ekipu od Argentine, a nema ih na mapi svih takmicenja godinama..


pre 4 dana

Hahahahah jedva dobili Kolumbiju uz pomoc sudija,a prica se o 6-toj tituli?Kao da je Real Madrid pisao ovu naucnu fantastiku.

Kakadu Savio

pre 4 dana

Bravo vini legendo nasa.Najbolji igrac i jos veci karakter.🥇🏆🐒🐒🍌

Mikili TB

pre 4 dana

Retko neinteligentan kometar, ističe se u moru budalaština.


pre 4 dana

Zna li neko kako je Brazilu dozvoljeno da izvrši 7 izmjena, zar nije 5+1 i to ako je specifičan slučaj?


pre 4 dana

Upgrade to a smarter Gmail Secure, fast & organized email Open (no subject) A Andrei Marina to me 0 minutes agoDetails Why Brazil could have made seven changes against Colombia and won't be punished in the South American Qualifiers A rule that has been in effect for less than a year has generated more doubts than certainties. The suspected concussion of his goalkeeper and an opposing player allowed him to make two additional changes.Colombia, which could have also appealed to the same benefit, made only four changes. The incident went almost unnoticed because both players left the field on their own: Alisson collided with Davison Sánchez's head , and the match between Brazil and Colombia in the South American Qualifiers was halted. Both players fell to the ground in Brasilia, and referee Alexis Herrera made a desperate plea for medical assistance. After the initial checks, the Galatasaray defender was the first to be replaced. The Liverpool goalkeeper immediately came off: both with suspected concussion . For those cases, a regulatory change has been in place since mid-2024, granting teams additional substitutions beyond the regular ones. Brazil had opened two windows to make one substitution in each. The initial one came in the first half due to Gerson 's injury, and the second one came in the second half, both before the violent head-to-head clash. On the third occasion, there were four substitutions, including Bento for Alisson. After Vinicius's goal, coach Dorival Juniar opened the final window to make the seventh change and waste some time. It was all made possible thanks to a new rule: substitution in cases of suspected head trauma and concussion. Article 96 is divided into six sections and came into effect for the 2024 Copa América. The first point indicates that "in the event of suspicion" of head trauma or concussion during a match, "up to one substitution per team may be made," independent of the five substitutions permitted by the regulations. "A concussion substitution may be made regardless of the number of substitutions made up to the time it occurs," the rule states. The protocol for using the innovation is clear: just like notifying the fourth official for a regular substitution, the coaching staff must inform them that they will be using the extra substitution. Although it has not been put into practice, the referee must use a pink card, different from the ones usually used to record a substitution. So far, everything is legal. However, the third point of Article 96 leaves Brazil in a vulnerable position to be challenged, since the way it made the substitutions meant it couldn't have made the final one, which replaced the Real Madrid striker. "However, if a regular substitution is made at the same time as a concussion substitution, one substitution opportunity will be deducted. Once a team has used all of its regular substitution opportunities, it may not use a concussion substitution to make a regular substitution," says section number three. Brazil's substitutions were made in four windows, with the concussion substitution in the third, along with other regular substitutions. Following point three to the letter, then at 33 minutes of the second half, in the third window, the Green and Yellow team should have missed the fourth substitution opportunity. Why seven substitutions instead of six, if concussion grants an extra one? Because point four allows it if the opponent also has a player with a head injury. Brazil added its own substitution for Allison and also for Sánchez's departure. "Once the match has concluded (within a maximum of 24 hours), the team doctor who detected the suspected concussion on the field, whether or not the player was substituted, will be required to submit the completed and signed SCAT5 form (standardized tool for assessing concussions) to the CONMEBOL medical commission," the new regulations conclude. What will dominate the next few hours will not be the report, but rather Brazil's success or failure in making the changes.

a šta je sa nama

pre 4 dana

koji ne znamo grčki jezik?


pre 4 dana

Mislim da sam pročitao da kada jedan tim dobije dodatnu izmenu zbog udarca u glavu, automatski i drugi tim dobije pravo na dodatnu izmenu. Tako da je Brazil dobio šestu izmenu zbog Alisona, a sedmu zbog igrača Kolumbije Sančeza.